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FundaNiños has received the help of Guatemalan and American teams so we can better help the children. If you´re interested in arriving here with your family, church, colleagues or a small group we can help you plan a trip that, not only will be of great impact for the children, but will also be of impact and purpouse for each member of the group.

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Guatemala Missions Trip 2016 Mosaic Church-Hunter Wells-0543
Guatemala Missions Trip 2016 Mosaic Church-Kayla Adair-0079
Guatemala Missions Trip 2016 Mosaic Church-Hunter Wells-0114
Guatemala Missions Trip 2016 Mosaic Church-Kayla Adair-0175
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Currently, we have various needs for volunteer groups to serve here at Fundaniños, including regular maintenance and improvements on-site, as well as direct involvement with the children through activities such as organizing a science fair, vacation Bible schools, or other planned activities throughout the week. Some specific teams that we are in dire need of currently are:

  • Construction teams (general, masonry, electricity, etc.).

  • Medical teams (especially those specialized in dentistry or optometry).

  • Bilingual teams (especially focused on teaching and discipleship).

  • Teaching teams (Help us in school by teaching classes to children and young people).

Please contact us at or with any questions you may have and so we can assist you in starting to plan your trip to visit!

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